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Immunity trainings for children

Immunity Training with SCENAR Therapy and Somatic Movement

Training sessions are designed for children aged 5 and above. Each group consists of 4 children, supervised by 2 SCENAR therapists under the guidance of a doctor and 1 somatic movement educator. One cycle includes 10 training sessions.

Goal of SCENAR Therapy:

  • Training in adaptation and immunity

  • Correcting improper posture habits

  • Providing regeneration as a supplement to sports activities

Goal of Movement Therapy:

  • Practicing correct movement habits

  • Exercises for proper posture

  • Breathing exercises

  • Development of children's motor skills and coordination

  • Preventing issues with motor development


Exploring the body, its boundaries, possibilities, and joys through movement games and exercises.

Location: SCENAR Clinic, Košická 49, 821 08, Bratislava

Date: Starting from September 19, 2024 (every Thursday)

  • 1st Group: 15:30 - 16:30

  • 2nd Group: 16:45 - 17:45

Price: 400 EUR/child for a cycle of 10 sessions

Registration: +421 911 437 153

Who will be working with the children?

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MUDr. Natália Sabová​


  • Internal medicine doctor

  • Scenar therapist

  • Main lecturer and guarantor of Skenar Academy Slovakia

  • Bowen massage, Reiki, Homeopathy, family seminars OZ Skenar Záhrada

  • Training for children Scenar and BMC®

Jakub Cerulík pohybový terapeut

Jakub Cerulík

  • ICF Accredited Somatic and Life Coach

  • Certified Facilitator of Therapeutic Dance

  • Choreographer and Dance Performer

...and SCENAR therapists of the SCENAR Clinic

What Parents Say

"It's hard to summarize our impressions in just a few lines without turning it into a novel. There’s so much to say... As parents, we didn’t sign Danko up with any grand expectations. We simply wanted an activity where the goal wasn’t to push for 120% performance, and with the added benefit of SCENAR therapy. I knew the exercises were focused on immunity and posture, but for us, we’re truly celebrating the impact on his psychosocial development. 

Of course, Danko is also undergoing other supportive therapies (due to overall dyspraxia), but during the SCENAR training sessions, we saw a truly rapid improvement. Naturally, one area influences another; when there’s motor progress, it reflects in other areas as well. I especially want to highlight the overall improvement in proprioception and coordination - smoother movement, which even showed in his handwriting.

What makes us happiest, though, is seeing much greater openness to the world, less fear of failure, a willingness to try things repeatedly despite initial setbacks, and a gradually melting shyness. Before our eyes (in a 'suspiciously' short time), we’re watching our scared child transform into a confident young boy. The Wednesday sessions are over, but for us, it feels like we’ve only just started (I, too, have completed several sessions with you). 

So thank you for helping our son uncover his potential, release hidden reserves, and venture into areas we might have long avoided. Thank you for the ‘awakening’ that began with you and your entire team. May your work bring you at least as much positivity, kindness, and humanity as you have given to us.”

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© 2020 Skenar klinika

Košická 49, Bratislava 821 08

00421 945 460 701

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